Passion for the past, brought to the present...

What else can I expect?

Devereux's Regiment is primarily a group of friends - and friends like to have fun!

Scroll on to see what 'extra curricular' activities we get up to, outside of the scheduled events calendar, and what you can take part in if you become a member!

Annual Banquet!

Every year, Devereux's Regiment host a party for their members in the form of a 17th Century style banquet!

Expect food, music and dancing from the period! 

Dress code is up to you - you can wear your 'kit', your own modern clothes, or if you're fancy you can wear some finery!

Make & Mend Weekends

Devereux's regularly host what we like to call, Make & Mends.

This is a chance for us to get together and learn new skills fixing old kit, and making new kit.

This is a great opportunity not only for us all to improve what we already have, but for new members to gain more knowledge of the period and save a bit of money; some members sell their old kit, equipment and items they have made for good prices!

There is always a social aspect - drinking eating and laughing are always part of these weekends!

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